Nothing Bundt Trouble Release Giveaway

  1. Susan Mercieca says:

    Looking forward to reading this book!

  2. Sheila Siarkiewicz says:

    I am so hooked on the Bakeshop series! Just starting reading Nothing Bundt Trouble and I can’t put it down!

  3. S says:

    Cant wait!

  4. dotnormandy says:

    Love Your Books.

  5. Nan Brower says:

    I read book 10 first so now I have to read the other 9! Enjoyed it very much.

  6. Regina Rosier says:

    I’ve been looking forward to this release all through the Spring —
    SO pleased that Release Date has arrived !!!

  7. Regina Rosier says:

    SO glad that this series will go on and on !!!

    • Thanks so much! Just in case you didn’t see my announcement (I know not everyone see everything I post on social media), but the series has been extended for another three books! Books 13-15 (titles TBD) will be released in 2021-2022. There are plenty more Bakeshop Mysteries yet to come.

  8. Karen Carter says:

    This giveaway is so awesome, thank you for sharing!

  9. Lindsay says:

    Cheese and rice! I’m so excited to get my hands on the newest book! Thank you for making book releases such fun! All I read are Cozy Mysteries anymore and yours are my favorite!

  10. Emilee says:

    I’m just at the beginning of the series, finished it early in quarantine, and eagerly waiting on the next one! Can’t wait to get into Bunt!!

  11. Terri Crossley says:

    I love this series! Congratulations on extending the series!

  12. Lorraine says:

    I love this series. I am excited you are extending the series.

    • Thank you so much! I’m so happy to hear that you’re enjoying the books. I was excited to get the extension as well. I’m already hard at work on book 13. ✍️

  13. Paula T says:

    On chapter 4 and already hooked!!

  14. Megan O’Donnell says:

    Nothing Bundt Trouble will def be the highlight of my week! My freezer went out yesterday, and I had to defrost it manually. To my delight, I found a sampler bag of Juliets blend! And a package of roll dough was partially thawed, so I used them to make a Bundtwich. It turned into a Torte happy day!

    • Wow! Not great news about the freezer, but it sounds like you were able to turn it into a delicious day. I love that you made a Bundtwich! Happy reading!

  15. Kathleen Rice says:

    Can’t wait to read it

  16. Jeannie MacGillivray says:

    Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Can’t wait! 🙂

  17. Fantastic Jack Pentifallo says:

    Win this no whammy!

  18. Jaye Smith says:

    Love cozy mysteries and this book sounds awesome!

    • Robert Hutchinson says:

      I love your books! Jules and the crew at Torte never disappoint! Thank you for giving me the modern day version of Nick n Nora, as Jules and Lance continue to team up to solve crime. I hope they get the chance to venture out to a foodie show in California! Thanks Ellie!

  19. Shelley Jeglic says:

    So excited to read this!

  20. Pearl Saban says:

    What a BUNDTerful prize package!

  21. Gail P Seda says:

    I love your series. They make me so happy when I am reading.

  22. Nancy Duren says:

    I can’t wait to read it! I’ve missed the Torte gang!

  23. christine c says:

    This book sounds very interesting, however I found the videos way to long for just one point.

  24. Andra weis says:

    Can’t wait to get started reading this new edition

  25. Kathleen Davison says:

    I had my hair cut yesterday by Jamie in Ashland and we discussed your new book. I just ordered it. I am looking forward to reading it! Will you be doing any book talks in Ashland?

  26. Kathleen Davison says:

    My correct email is below.