Baker Jules Capshaw, along with her husband, Carlos, and Torte’s resident barista, Andy, are packing their bags and preparing for the ultimate coffee excursion in Costa Rica. A fortuitous invitation from one of Carlos’s former colleagues, Valentina, has them venturing to the coffee capital of the world for a tasting tour and an immersive weekend at her family's organic coffee farm.

They soak in the tropical breezes, the vibrant colors, the sounds of morning birdsong, and the sweeping views of the historic coffee farm. Valentina is the ultimate host, offering them traditional meals and thrilled to have their input as she’s preparing to open a coffee counter and bakery on the farm.

The getaway is just what Jules needed. A chance to relax and unwind, curl up with a book and iced latte by the pool, and tinker in Valentina’s kitchen, dreaming up new recipes to bring home. Except her tranquil weekend quickly turns into a nightmare when one of Valentina’s employees is found dead in the pulping machine. Now, Jules will have to put her vacation on hold to try and uncover the murderer before one of Torte's beloved workers becomes the next body thrown into the mix.

Laying Down the Latte

Bakeshop Mystery Series #21

ReleasING August 26, 2025

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Integer iaculis porttitor turpis non ornare. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aliquam venenatis ornare nisi, a dapibus nisl rhoncus ut. Maecenas tincidunt, nulla a aliquet pretium, lacus nunc rhoncus nisl, id finibus mi lectus vitae purus. Nulla vitae elit arcu. Praesent eu porta risus. Suspendisse erat urna, placerat quis risus et, tempor volutpat enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas luctus mattis metus, ac pharetra sem. Nulla aliquam, ante scelerisque eleifend venenatis, lectus leo mattis risus, ut bibendum enim ante vitae lorem. Vivamus turpis dui, scelerisque ut leo et, fermentum eleifend dui. Morbi ligula turpis, sodales ut justo at, lacinia vulputate purus. Donec non massa eu augue malesuada tincidunt vel eu sapien. Aliquam ultrices ipsum nec magna pellentesque dignissim. Aenean ultrices vestibulum pharetra.

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