Amidst the rocky beaches of the Oregon coast, Torte’s beloved Sterling and Stephanie have been hired to take over the aging restaurant at the cliffside Whaleshead Resort. They’re nervous about striking out on their own, but excited by the opportunity to put their own spin a new menu. From fresh fish caught the very same day to vegan options and handcrafted pastries, they’re buzzing with ideas. What’s even better is that Jules and the team from Torte have come out for opening weekend to cheer them on.

Despite some opening night jitters, the dinner is off with a bang. Guests and long-term residents of Whaleshead Resort are eager to taste the young couple’s creations. As the tickets begin to line up and guests pile in the front door, Jules and Carlos offer to roll up their sleeves and help in any way they can.

Stephanie is taking on every chef’s nightmare—a fluffy chocolate soufflé—and Sterling is fast at work prepping shrimp linguini and pan-seared halibut when they suddenly hear screaming. Erik Morton, the manager of Whaleshead and their new boss, has taken a fatal fall down the steep and dangerous cliffside trail leading to the beach. Jules and her young protégés quickly realize this was no accident. Now, the team will have to juggle the investigation while keeping the restaurant—and Steph and Sterling's new jobs—from crashing like the waves along the cliffs.

Killing Me Soufflé

Bakeshop Mystery Series #20

ReleasED February 25, 2025

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Integer iaculis porttitor turpis non ornare. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aliquam venenatis ornare nisi, a dapibus nisl rhoncus ut. Maecenas tincidunt, nulla a aliquet pretium, lacus nunc rhoncus nisl, id finibus mi lectus vitae purus. Nulla vitae elit arcu. Praesent eu porta risus. Suspendisse erat urna, placerat quis risus et, tempor volutpat enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas luctus mattis metus, ac pharetra sem. Nulla aliquam, ante scelerisque eleifend venenatis, lectus leo mattis risus, ut bibendum enim ante vitae lorem. Vivamus turpis dui, scelerisque ut leo et, fermentum eleifend dui. Morbi ligula turpis, sodales ut justo at, lacinia vulputate purus. Donec non massa eu augue malesuada tincidunt vel eu sapien. Aliquam ultrices ipsum nec magna pellentesque dignissim. Aenean ultrices vestibulum pharetra.

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